Empowering Leadership: SSLG, GPTA and Club Officers Take Oath to Guide the Future


Empowering Leadership: SSLG, GPTA and Club Officers Take Oath to Guide the Future
by: Jyd M. Suminguit


In a commendable display of civic leadership, Honorable Mayor Roselyn T. Asok, along with her representative Honorable Edilberto Pal-ing, played a crucial role in administering the oath-taking ceremony for the General Parents and Teachers Association (GPTA), Supreme Student Leaders Guild (SSLG), and Club Officers on September 29, 2023 at Candaping National High School (CNHS).


The event marked by a spirit of community engagement and shared responsibility, saw the Honorable Mayor and her representative actively fostering sense of commitment among the newly-appointed GPTA, SSLG, and Club Officers. Their unwavering support underscores a dedication to the development of education and students' life within the community. As the oath-taking ceremony unfolded, Mayor Roselyn T. Asok and Honorable Edilberto Pal-ing stood as pillars of encouragement and support, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and service in shaping a brighter future for the educational institutions involved. The involvement of these esteemed leaders reflect a genuine commitment of to the growth and welfare of the community, setting a positive tone for the endeavors of the GPTA, SSLG, and Club Officers in the coming term.

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