A Beautiful Life

 by: Lorraine Herta Luedtke

Living things either small or big is beautiful. Their size, Their beauty, and their purpose matter.

            Do you imagine a life without living things? Well, it’s lifeless. May it be an animal, a person, or a plant we matter. Without us, the world will be lifeless.

Without humans, plants and animals are not cared for, without plants oxygen and food will not be given to us and without animals where do we get our food and designer clothes? Each and one of us has a purpose. Even insects, we may think that they are just mere living and annoying but they actually help pollinate crops we rely on. “The Lord made them all uniquely”. We work uniquely with purpose and that is why we matter.

We, humans, are called the most abundant because we have complex brains however we are also a widespread species. Having a complex brain means to lead other living things, Be an example, not a killer. In this world we are hungry for habitats we tend to bring danger to other species. Humans make houses to address their shelter while invading other habitats. It’s like we humans have taken advantage of this world we share. Many animals have gone endangered because of us. Many of them lost their lives and places they lived in while we humans enjoyed it.

Plants help the community. Plants provide oxygen and food to all living things. They are of big use in our society. “Plants make people happy”. Plants could ease stress these days however they are also abused by people. Providing our needs is a sacrifice for them, be considerate because we share one world together with other living things like animals. Animals are even important, they are living creatures who also satisfy our needs, they are similar to humans who have feet to walk and eyes to see. However, some of them have gone extinct because of the activities humans make. Who do you think deserves this world?

All lives matter. Humans, plants, or animals have a purpose. In this world full of cruelty may we leave space for humanity. We share the same world so be fair and considerate to the other living creatures.

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